Opdateret d.9.6.2010
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Vedersø Church - the church of Kaj Munk

Oil on masonite, 92x59 cm, 1936

This is the church where the poet Kaj Munk served till he was murdered by the Germans during WW2.
On January 4, 1944, Munk was taken from his home by the Gestapo and shot at Hørbylunde on the road to Silkeborg.

Private  (photo:Tommy Bay 2010)

Vedersø kirke

Husby church

Oil on hardboard. 70x69 cm, 1946

This is the church near his home and where he was burried in 1965.


Husby church

Winter Forest

Oil on canvas, 87x66 cm, 1923

Winter Forest near Copenhagen



Adam and Eve

Oil on canvas, 188x124 cm, 1928

Adam and Eve. - The painting is slightly damaged.

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Stenbukkens vennekreds